Positive start for Australian cattle markets - MLA
Prices have lifted in the last couple of monthsAccording to a recent market report from Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), the outlook for cattle markets at the start of the year is strong.
Cattle prices have lifted significantly over the last couple of months. This positive trend can be attributed to the current phase where calves born in winter and early spring are being offered for sale. As these calves transition into yearlings, the demand for weaners has reached its peak, which correlates with the restocker yearling steer indicator lifting by 56¢ to 366¢/kg live weight (lwt) over the past month.
The focus on weaner sales in Victoria has had a positive impact on cattle prices.
According to the National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) market reports, there was consistent but not heated bidding at Wodonga as buyers were more price sensitive and content with walking away if price limits were met.
Quality also played a role in outcomes where price premiums were seen in weaned steer calves over 400kg, as the majority of calves weighed under 280kg lwt.