New labelling requirement could impact dairy exports to Chile
New label requires additional manufacturing informationNew labelling requirements for dairy products that may impact US exports to Chile will come into effect today, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report.
On July 8, 2023, the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) of the Ministry of Agriculture published the new exempt regulation 4.027/2023 in the Official Gazette outlining new import requirements for dairy products intended for human and animal consumption to Chile. An exempt resolution is a regulation that is processed and authorised in the same Service where it is generated, without it being necessary for it to go through the Office of the Comptroller General for review.
The regulation provided an 18-month implementation period which ends on January 9, 2025.
Current regulation requires that product labels include the country of origin, plant of origin (name, address and number of the plant), product identification, production date, and net weight. Under Regulation 4.027/2023, SAG will mandate that the primary label on the product must also include the product name, country of origin, the name and registration number of the manufacturing plant, production lot, production date, and expiration date. SAG does not permit re-labelling with stickers to add missing information upon arrival. However, it allows this information to be included through inkjet printing directly on the package at the point of origin.