Global milk production continues to climb - report
Growth to be driven less by the traditional exporting countriesThe global dairy market will continue to expand, with global milk production increasing at a similar rate as in the last decade (+1.8% per year), according to the EU Agricultural Outlook report (2024-2035).
However, this growth will be driven less by the traditional exporting countries, and more by some larger consumer countries that are set to increase their efforts to become more self-sufficient.
India and Pakistan continue to be a powerhouse of global milk supply, while some Asian and north African countries are also expected to increase their production.
Nevertheless, the additional production capacities in Africa and Asia will be mostly absorbed by domestic markets, and thus global dairy trade will still play a crucial role to satisfy global demand (around 8% of the milk remains traded).
The dynamic increase in Asian dairy consumption in the future will increasingly be driven by South-East Asia, while China’s import demand is expected to stop increasing due to increased domestic production, the slowdown of its economic growth and its ageing population.