Brazil live cattle exports rise 220% over last year - GAIN
Greater part of exports going to TurkeyAccording to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report, Brazilian exports of live cattle are forecast to reach 375 thousand head for 2023.
Between January and July, Brazil has exported close to 282 thousand head of cattle – as demonstrated by the following graph.

This represents a 220% increase when compared to the same period in 2022 - explained by a boost in exports to the Middle East, especially to Turkey, which had not imported a single animal in the same period in 2022.
The average travel time from Brazil to Turkey by sea is from 18 to 20 days.
As reported by Post Ankara in Report TU2023-0013, Turkey is experiencing elevated prices for meat and milk products due to several reasons, amongst which insufficient cattle inventories, and has therefore the expectation of doubling imports of live cattle.