Philippines to build first cold examination facility
The facility will prevent smuggling and strengthen food safetyThe Philippines Department of Agriculture (DA) is prioritising the construction of an integrated Cold Examination Facility in Agriculture (CEFA) with complementary testing laboratories.
On 26 November, Agriculture Secretary William Dar signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority Chairman and Administrator Wilma Eisma to establish the country’s first CEFA at the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.
According to the DA, the facility will help prevent the smuggling of imported agricultural commodities and the entry of transboundary agri-fishery pests and diseases and further strengthen the country's food safety regulatory system in order to protect consumer health.
The 2,000-square meter facility will be used to thoroughly inspect imported containerised agri-fishery commodities. The facilities will include a house examination area and laboratories for the execution of quarantine and inspection protocols of the Bureau of Animal Industry, as well as the bureaus that oversee the plant industry, and fisheries and aquatic resources.