EU Not Ready to Import Nhabe Beef

BOTSWANA - The European Union's (EU) Head of Cooperation, Mr Federico Berna says EU markets are not ready to import beef from the Ngamiland region.
calendar icon 9 December 2019
clock icon 1 minute read

Responding to a question during a press conference recently, Mr Berna noted that for EU to import beef, there was need for approval from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), whose mission was to ensure transparency and enhance knowledge of the worldwide animal health situation.

Ngamiland region has been declared a red zone due to occurrence of livestock diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease and farmers have been struggling to secure markets.

The press conference followed a visit to Maun by EU delegation, whose mission was to appreciate how the beef industry operates and they toured one of the local farms to see production.

The purpose of the visit was also to appreciate, from the local context, issues of national interest in terms of developments, challenges encountered by the community, and how they address issues such as human wildlife conflict and how the tourism industry benefits the community.

Mr Berna revealed that while they appreciated efforts by Botswana to implement some initiatives, such as commodity based trade (CBT) concept, there were no plans to buy meat from the region.

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