Hot Topic: Canadian Environmental Policy

Environment and environmental policy continue to be hot topics of discussion in both public and political forums. Environmental sustainability is of course of the utmost priority to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and the producers it represents, however it is imperative that any regulatory decisions are made based on current research and are applicable in a Canadian context.
calendar icon 7 November 2019
clock icon 1 minute read

The CCA continues to monitor the Government of Canada, a signatory to the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and specifically Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), relative to any potential policy directions related to climate change that could have negative impacts on our industry.

In its submission to the ECCC's Federal Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada, the CCA called for supporting the development and implementation of tools that incentivize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and does not support strategies that add costs to food production or negatively impact the competitiveness of the Canadian beef industry.

Also, that government focuses on supporting the development of sound scientific research and extension and ensure the public has science-based information regarding beef production in the
Canadian context.

The CCA has updated its Beef Industry's Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse Gases document, which can be found on the CCA website.  In line with CCA policy to encourage the development of ecological goods and services incentives-based programs, the CCA has supported project funding applications for several projects related to the potential to recognize carbon sequestered on the 44 million acres of native grasslands and pasture lands managed by beef producers across Canada.

The environmental value of the lands under the stewardship of Canadian beef producers must be recognized, and we hope that by supporting these projects, these lands will remain intact and in the hands of expert producers for generations to come.

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