Govt Likely to Lose Dail Vote on Mercosur

EU - Following an IFA lobby day of TDs & Senators on the sell-out EU Mercosur trade deal, and last night’s debate in the Dáil, IFA President Joe Healy said Fianna Fail has confirmed that they will vote against the Government on a Sinn Fein motion re the Mercosur deal due to be voted on tomorrow.
calendar icon 10 July 2019
clock icon 1 minute read

This means the Government will be defeated on the matter and the Dail will have indicated its opposition to the deal.

During the Dáil debate, Business, Enterprise and Innovation Minister Heather Humphreys confirmed that the EU Mercosur deal is a 'mixed' agreement, requiring the involvement of Dáil Eireann in its ratification process.

Mr Healy said, "Minister Humphreys confirmed that the trade deal will have to come before Dáil for ratification."

In relation to the absolute commitment provided by the EU Commission this week that all Mercosur imports must meet 100 percent of EU requirements, Mr Healy said it is clear that the current beef imports of 269,000t fail this at every step.

According to Mr Healy, in Brazil, cattle are not tagged, there is no database and no traceability. Hormones, beta-agonists and other growth promoters are widely available and used. These products are illegal and banned in the EU. Brazil has endemic foot and mouth disease.

On environmental degradation, Brazil is burning an Amazon rainforest area the equivalent size of a football pitch every minute to make way for cattle ranching and additional beef exports.

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