GB Cheddar Retail Market Down £50M
UK - For the 52 week period ending 6 November 2016, the average GB retail price for cheese stood at £6.25/kg down 3.7 per cent on the previous year.The volume of cheese sold has increased across all cheese markets, most significantly in the soft continental category which increased by 11.9%.
Increases in the volume of cheese over the year have been offset by lower average prices meaning that there has been little value growth in the overall cheese market.
The Cheddar market has seen a stronger decrease in average prices, down 5.2%, compared to only a 1.6% increase in volume sales. This has resulted in the Cheddar market losing just over £50m in value compared with the same period last year.
Source: Kantar Worldpanel Online
Note: figures in the table are rounded
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