Brazil Has Blueprint for Secure Dairying Future
BRAZIL – Brazil’s government has set a course for a competitive and high quality dairy supply chain.Unveiled on Tuesday, the Competitiveness Improvement Project of the Brazilian Dairy Industry sets to drive domestic production and put the right measures in place to secure more global trade.
At the heart of the policy is a drive for higher quality milk production.
The government expects the scheme to reach 80,000 farms in the next four years.
The scheme plans for more research, greater investment in marketing programmes, increased technical farm assistance and continued improvements to animal health.
Agriculture minister, Katie Abreu said: "This will contribute to improving the quality of milk, which in turn will increase the competitiveness of industries, due to the higher efficiency of products."
Continued revisions to national brucellosis and tuberculosis have been promised. This includes a minimum 80 per cent target for calf brucellosis vaccinations.
A plethora of industry bodies were consulted in drawing up the industry vision, including research institute Embrapa, the Organisation of Brazilian Cooperatives and National Rural Education (SENAR).
Key dairy producing regions are to be reached first - Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana, Minas Gerais and Goias have been earmarked.
Michael Priestley
News Team - Editor
Mainly production and market stories on ruminants sector. Works closely with sustainability consultants at FAI Farms