SurePure Trials Photopurification Tech in Indian Dairies
INDIA - US based global leader in liquid photopurification, SurePure has announced that it has started conducting commercial trials of photopurification technology with key Indian dairies.“Following the Indian Food Safety regulatory body (FSSAI) approval the use of SurePure's proprietary photopurification technology as an alternative process to thermal pasteurization for milk and other dairy products, it is conducting commercial trials with key dairy producers in India,” SurePure said in a statement.
"We believe that SurePure brings a cutting-edge milk processing alternative to India. The robust technology, retains the integrity of milk while delivering milk in its most nutritious form to the consumers," Guy Kebble, CEO of SurePure said.
The Indian fluid milk market is the world's largest dairy market, estimated to have more than 70 million dairy farmers with production volumes of approximately 122.7 million tonnes per annum and a growth rate of four per cent.