Greater Supplies of Beef, Pork for Exports Forecast

BRAZIL - Most analysts forecast Brazilian economic growth to remain sluggish in 2015.
calendar icon 16 September 2014
clock icon 1 minute read

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Technically, the Brazilian economy has entered into recession and the effects of the current economic situation will impact next year’s GDP growth, estimated to rise at around one per cent.

Consumer prices are expected to be near the upper limit of the central bank’s inflation target band and consumer indebtedness will remain high.

In view of this poor economic scenario, trade sources forecast weak domestic demand for animal protein, but they are optimistic about greater supplies of beef and pork for exports.

In addition, a new federal administration will be sworn on January, 2015 and could implement policies correct economic disequilibria and promote stronger growth and lower inflation.

Further Reading

You can view the USDA GAIN: Brazil Livestock and Products Annual 2014 report by clicking here.

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