Main Institutions of Animal Protein Chain Support FIPPPA 2015

BRAZIL - The Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment (ABIMAQ) and the main Brazilian entities, universities and medias, trust in the quality and support the biggest event of animal protein production released in Latin America next year.
calendar icon 29 August 2014
clock icon 4 minute read

On 28-30 April 2015 the chain of animal protein Brazilian and Latin American have scheduled an appointment in the ExpoTrade Convention Center in Curitiba (PR). This will be the first edition of FIPPPA Animal Protein Production and Processing International Fair.

Gessulli Agribusiness, organizer of AveSui América Latina, and G5 Promotrade, organizer of Tecno Food Brazil, have joined forces to create the new meeting place for all those involved in the animal protein chain.

This will be a new complete and horizontal event that will cover from production to processing, from farm to fork. The Fair will be conducted biennially, attending a long-time request from representatives of poultry, swine and dairy markets who wanted a cohesive, complete and biennial event.

The innovative concept of FIPPPA already attracted support from the main entities, universities and the media engaged in the promotion of protein chains. One of them is Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment (ABIMAQ).


Founded in 1975, the focus of ABIMAQ is acting in favor of strengthening the National Industry, involving sectors such as animal protein, to perform actions in the political and economic levels, stimulating trade and international cooperation, contributing to improve their performance in terms of technology, training of human resources and modernization.

The FIPPPA-ABIMAQ partnership will bring international visibility of its work in the leading event. The association will also encourage participation of its members group and will prospect new companies interested in improving their management by ABIMAQ support.

The choice of Curitiba, in southern Brazil, brings several aspects that benefit the sector of production of fresh meat and the processed meat sector. Visitors can see the best of animal protein chain in FIPPPA.

"Our expectation is that really a great and solid event will be born, keeping the focus on these segments and the focus in biannuality. The promoters are proposing to not only conduct a trade fair, but a technical knowledge event, through many conferences. I have to congratulate the promoters of this decision and I hope the fair continues for many years," said Judenor Marchioro, president of the Sectorial Machines Chamber for the Food, Pharmaceutical and Industrial Refrigeration Industry - CSMIAFRI in ABIMAQ.


The National Association of Manufacturers of equipment for poultry and swine (ANFEAS) also supports the FIPPPA, which makes the event more complete, expanding the participation of the sectors represented at the event.

"The big advantage of FIPPPA is that visitors will bring in the same place all segments of the production chain of animal protein. They will see in one place all the companies operating in all the animal protein chain," said Carlos Pulici, president of ANFEAS.

The following entities and educational institutions have already confirmed support to FIPPPA:

Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Suínos (ABCS)
Associação de Criadores de Suínos do Rio Grande do Sul (Acsurs)
Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Alimentação Animal (Sindirações)
Associação Brasileira de Reciclagem Animal (ABRA)
Associação dos Suinocultores do Espírito Santo (Ases)
Associação dos Avicultores do Espírito Santo (Aves)
Associação Paulista de Avicultura (APA)
Associação Brasileira de Bares e Restaurantes (Abrasel-PR)
Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Biomassa e Energia Renovável (ABIB)
Associação Paulista de Criadores de Suínos (APCS)
Associação dos Criadores de Suínos do Mato Grosso (Acrismat)
Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Produtos para a Saúde Animal (Sindan)
Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Armazenagem Frigorificada (Abiaf)
Associação Baiana de Avicultura (ABA)
Associação Baiana de Suinocultura (ABS)
Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Paraná (ADAPAR)
Agência Paraná de Desenvolvimento
Fomento Paraná
Governo do Paraná
SINDICARNE Santa Catarina
Sindicato das Indústrias de Produtos Suínos do-Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (SIPS)
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Colégio Brasileiro de Nutrição Animal (CBNA)

"Every year we do some partnerships with important entities that involve the animal production chain. This cordial and long relationship with them show their trust in the work of Gessulli Agribusiness in conducting large events such as AveSui in Latin America," said Andrea Gessulli, director of Gessulli Agribusiness.

"The institutional support strengthen our initiative and increase our credibility in fairs market. Besides, entities fulfill their role, overseeing that the promoter do an event with transparency and ethics for the development of the system," added Rubens Zago, president of Tecno Food Brazil.

The media support also has the major media outlets in Brazil and abroad. "The success of an event also depends on the diffusion of information and knowledge presented by it. For this reason, it is relevant a partnership with renowned communication vehicles that add credibility to FIPPPA," said Ms Gessulli.

"The media-partners are the link between our exhibitors and visitors, through dialogue, integration and growth of agribusiness," concluded Mr Zago.

Others partnerships are already underway for the first edition of FIPPPA 2015, the largest event animal protein production in Latin America. 

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