Assam to Spend $860 Million on Agriculture in 2014-15
INDIA - The biggest North Eastern state, Assam has planned an expenditure of $860 million for agriculture sector during 2014-15 fiscal year period.During the same period last fiscal year, the state spending on agriculture sector was recorded at $763 million.
Out of $860 million, around $558 million is for crop loan and $307 million for the term loan. National bank for agriculture &rural development (NABARD) has sanctioned $100 million for Assam for various projects under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund.
R. Amalorpavanathan, Chief General Manager of NABARD said, we working for creating an understanding with Small Farmers Agri-business Consortium for supporting with loan assistance and capacity building.
NABARD is also trying to work out a project with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) for promotion of the dairy sector, Amalorpavanathan adds.
NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS), a wholly-owned subsidiary promoted by NABARD has recently set up a new zonal office at Guwahati that looks after the entire northeast india, including Sikkim.
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