Milk is Part of a Green Diet
NETHERLANDS - Small changes in our diet can significantly reduce the environmental impact of our food systems, according to the Dutch Dairy Association (NZO).Research shows that milk remains a food item that is good, both for people and the environment.
This was the message of the Dairy Symposium in the Hague on Sustainable Diets, where NZO President Cees’ t Hart said: "The outlook for the Dutch dairy sector are very positive.”
He added: “At the same time, we face the challenge to reduce the pressure on the environment and prevent health problems.”
Doing so is achievable, according to Hans Blonk, an environmental consultant, who played down the harm milk production can cause.
However, he said: "It is important that we should base a realistic diet. Our research shows that small changes in our current menu - the drip - yield a substantial reduction in the environmental impact.
“Contrary to the prevailing opinion milk remains an important contribution to a diet with a lower environmental impact."
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