EU Cancels Tariffs on Ukraine Agricultural Products
EU - The European Union has given duty-free tariff rate quotas to the Ukraine for cereals, pork, beef, poultry and a handful of additional products.The agreement to allow agricultural products into the EU from Ukraine without duty is part of the support measures for the country during the present crisis.
The total package, which is intended to run until November this year, will be worth €500 million of which the relaxation on the agricultural tariffs will be worth €400 million.
This week EU Farm Commissioner Dacian Ciolo? held a meeting with Ukraine’s Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ihor Shvaika to discuss ways to further develop bilateral cooperation and trade.
Speaking after the meeting, Commissioner Ciolo? said: “We have held a lengthy discussion today on concrete measures to step up our cooperation for the benefit of Ukrainian farmers and for all those who live in Ukraine’s rural areas.
“The Minister is clearly committed to achieving tangible results and I am committed to help.
“A first step has already been taken in the past fortnight, by opening major new trade opportunities for Ukrainian producers exporting onto the EU market.”
The European Commission proposed to temporarily remove customs duties on Ukrainian exports to the EU in March and the measures came into effect at the end of April.
The commission said that “with this rapid response, the European Commission has shown that it stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine”.
Ukraine does not have to provide extra access to EU exports in return.
The temporary elimination of customs duties is total or partial, depending on the sector.
The EU's unilateral trade opening requires Ukraine to fully co-operate with the EU in its implementation and ensure that Ukraine does not change in any way its tariffs towards the EU during this period.
A number of safeguard controls have also been put in place to prevent market-distorting surges that might hit European companies and industry including the agricultural sector.