TB Testing Vets Show Appetite for More Work Under New System
UK - Vets currently involved in TB testing have shown interest in covering an average of five per cent more cattle than they do now, and increasing the proportion of non-client farms they test from seven per cent currently to 19 per cent.That's according to interim findings of an online survey being carried out in preparation for likely changes later this year to the way TB testing is managed.
The survey also asks holders of Official Veterinarian status (OVs) for ways they would like to see the current system improved upon.
One such indication to date is that 47.5% of OV participants are dissatisfied about lack of advance notice of known difficult test conditions on farms they haven't attended before: Poor cattle handling facilities or other potentially recurring difficulties experienced at previous tests, for example.
The survey remains open to more participants until at least the end of May at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PQFSWZN.
OVs taking part have the option to do so anonymously and a spokesman for the survey organiser urges more to take part in the interests of building as representative a picture as possible of current views and experience.
"The findings will help ensure that the wealth of existing knowledge, expertise and commitment among current OVs can be capitalised upon by a Delivery Partner under the new system," they say.
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