Green Party Opposes 'Factory Farming', Live Animal Exports

UK - Top of the Green Party's manifesto priorities for the May elections is action against mega-farms and 'factory farming'; it also aims to ban live animal exports and put greater regulation on animal transportation.
calendar icon 14 April 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

The Green Party, which says it is the only major party to take animal protection seriously and take effective action, has launched its Manifesto on Animal Protection ahead of the European and local elections on 22 May.

Caroline Allen, Green Party MEP candidate, Animals Spokesperson and a working vet, said: “Only the Green Party has strong policies on animals issues and a record of action. I am really proud to launch this document showing the hard work of our Green MEPs in Europe and presenting our commitment for the future. If you want to vote for animals you have to vote Green.

“If people care about animal issues it is really important they vote Green in the European elections on May 22. The European Parliament is where much of the important legislation on these issues is now made.

“From fighting the badger cull to the ban on animal testing of cosmetics, from working to end live exports to the seal fur ban, Greens in the European Parliament including Jean Lambert (London) and Keith Taylor (the South East) have shown they care about animal issues. We understand that people won't stand for cruelty to animals and we want to be their voice and a voice for animals in Europe.”

Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader, said: "I'm proud of the Green Party's record of campaigning for animal protection. Green MEPs have a strong record in Europe, as does MP Caroline Lucas in Westminster. We have seen significant progress in these issues in recent years, but there's still a long way to go.

"As an agricultural science graduate, I'm particularly passionate about ending factory farming of animals: this is indefensible not just on animal protection grounds, but also a significant threat to human health."

Summary of the manifesto’s key points:

1. Action on factory farming

"We need to act urgently against the proliferation of mega-farms. Factory farming is bad for human health, the environment and for animals, who live brutal lives in barren factories. The Green Party calls for an end to factory farming. Greens demand action on antibiotic over-use that props up this system, CCTV in slaughter houses and better labelling."

2. Action on animal transportation and live exports

"Greens want an end to live exports from the UK and tough new regulations on animal transport across Europe."

3. Action on animal experimentation

"The ban on animal testing for cosmetics was a great victory, but it’s just the start for Greens, who are calling for an end to all animal testing and are pushing for EU funds to be used to develop the alternatives."

4. Action on wildlife crime

"Illegal wildlife trade, combined with unsustainable legal trade is devastating species across the planet. Greens will push for a ban on the import of wild caught animals and for greater limits on which animals can be kept as pets."

5. Protecting badgers

U"K Greens including Bennett and Allen have been vocal in defence of badgers and against the badger cull. Our MEPs will continue their work in Europe to ensure that the EU is not a barrier to the vaccination of cattle."

6. Action on bullfighting and fiestas of cruelty

"It is a scandal that bullfighting and fiestas that involve ‘running of the bulls’ and similar cruelty are subsidised by tax-payers money. Jean Lambert and Keith Taylor have been working towards getting this subsidy withdrawn and to ensure this cruelty does not get recognition as ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’."

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