New Method to Determine Vitamin D3 in Milk

FINLAND - The Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira has developed a new method for the determination of vitamin D3 in milk.
calendar icon 4 March 2014
clock icon 2 minute read

The new method, which will be introduced to Evira's analysis process, simplifies sample preparation.

Evira conducts analyses of vitamin D in milk and dairy products, fish and animal feed.

The current method used by Evira is liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection, involving complicated sample preparation, as a result of which analysis takes four to five days.

The new method, on the other hand, is based on an LC-MS/MS technique that enables simple sample preparation.

As Finns have a low vitamin D intake due to limited sun exposure, vitamin D is added to dairy products in Finland. Dairy products are fortified with vitamin D3 which is the form of vitamin D found in animals. For this reason, an analysis method was required specifically for vitamin D3. In addition, the method is tested for its applicability for analysing feed samples.

The new validated method for the determination of vitamin D3 in milk was developed as part of thesis work by Laboratory Technician Soili Nikonen, who works at the Evira Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit.

Validation is carried out to ensure that results obtained using the method are reliable and the measurement uncertainty involved is known.

Evira's Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit laboratory holds accreditation from FINAS in accordance with standard SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

The laboratory analyses fertiliser, soil, compost, feed and grain samples as well as samples of animal origin, animal foodstuffs and raw materials used in food products.

Samples are analysed, for example, for the main components and contaminants as well as compounds created in the manufacturing of food products. The laboratory has been accredited since 1994 and its accreditation code is T014.

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