Producers Welcome Stewardship Role

AUSTRALIA - NSW Farmers today welcomed a report by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) which highlights the substantial contribution farmers make to improving environmental outcomes in NSW.
calendar icon 19 November 2012
clock icon 1 minute read

The report, Native Vegetation Management on Agricultural Land, contains a number of findings which acknowledge the important work farmers do as stewards of more than 73 percent of the NSW land mass.

The report found the agricultural sector is playing an important role in managing native vegetation for environmental and production outcomes.

NSW Farmers’ President Fiona Simson said the report’s findings are extremely gratifying.

“As farmers, we’ve known for a long time that our industry is managing native vegetation for both environmental and production outcomes. But, to see our efforts recognised is very rewarding”, Ms Simson said.

The report’s findings correspond with a survey of members by NSW Farmers earlier this year which found environmental sustainability plays a role in business decision making for 93 percent of farmers.

“The facts are showing there is a revolution going on in our industry as we dedicate increasing amounts of time to improving sustainability.”

“Through movements like Landcare, farmers are better informed than ever about how to maximise environmental outcomes on their land. What this report highlights is the benefits of working collaboratively with farmers and tailoring practices to suit the local landscape, rather than taking a prescriptive, one-size-fits-all regulatory approach.

“Importantly, the report found that improving the transparency of regulations improves their effectiveness in delivering environmental outcomes through greater farmer engagement,” Ms Simson said.

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