Pressure Rises To Ban Live Exports
AUSTRALIA - Following the viewing of ABC's Four Corner expose on cattle slaughter in Indonesia, pressure is growing for the government to ban all exports of live cattle.The RSPCA and Animals Australia have joined forces to call for an immediate half to the cattle trade to Indonesia.
We’ve seen over 35,000 Australians sign a petition against live exports in just five hours this morning,” said GetUp National Director Simon Sheikh. “It’s the fastest growing petition I’ve ever seen.”
"There is an overwhelming number of Australians wanting to take action and end live exports,"said RSPCA Chief Scientist, Dr Bidda Jones.
"Anyone who has seen the footage uncovered in Indonesian slaughter houses would be appalled by the brutal treatment of Australian cattle, cruelty sanctioned by Australia's live exporters. The next shipment of Australian cattle is due to leave Australia for Indonesia shortly - the Gillard government must act to protect these animals by announcing an immediate halt to the live trade to Indonesia.”
"MLA and Livecorp have been deliberately deceiving farmers to ensure supply of animals andmisrepresenting their work to the government to maintain support for the trade. It has never beenclearer that this is not a trade worthy of government backing," said Animals Australia investigator, Lyn White.
The Australian Veterinary Authority has joined calls to halt cattle trade to Indonesia.
"The Minister has had the evidence before him for three days yet today he is allowing more cattle to be loaded onto a ship in Darwin to be sent to Indonesia. They will join other Australian animals in Indonesia that will be terrorised tonight, tomorrow night and every night until the Minister halts the trade," said Dr Bidda Jones, RSPCA Australia Chief Scientist.
Images and video footage from the Indonesia investigation: GetUp’s petition on live animal export:
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