Excellent Entries For Stock & Land Beef Week
AUSTRALIA - A near record 230 beef cattle studs from Victoria, the Riverina and the south-east of South Australia have entered their properties for Stock & Land Beef Week which runs from January 28 to February 4.The importance of south-east Australia as the nation’s premier temperate zone beef cattle seedstock nursery has been highlighted by a stronger than usual representation across a wide range of breeds according to Beef Week director Geoff Phillips.
“For over two decades Stock & Land Beef Week has been the premier event of its type in the nation and serves to promote the excellent seedstock herds in Australia’s south-east,” he said.
In 2011 Beef Week commences in east Gippsland and ends with day 8 in the Western Districts.
“There will be thousands of cattle on display and potential bull buyers are expected to be out in force looking to buy bulls during Beef Week or inspecting bulls that will be coming up for auction at on-property bull sales this autumn,” said Mr Phillips.
“The opening weaner sales are recording rises of up to $200 a head on the previous year and with weaners bringing close to $700 and joined heifers selling to $1610 at Euroa in November, confidence in the cattle industry is high.
“Indications are that, because of the good season and positive industry signs, commercial producers have retained heifers so they will be out there looking for bulls for autumn joinings so we expect increased visitations,” he said.
The whiteface breeds have the largest entry with 70 Hereford and Poll Hereford studs exhibiting followed by 56 Angus (46 black and 10 red). The European breeds Charolais and Limousin both have 15 studs while there are 10 Simmental studs including a growing representation of Black Simmentals.
South-east Australia boasts more Blonde D’Aquitaine studs than any other region and this is reflected in the 10 studs participating in six of the eight days.
Red Polls have made a welcome return to Beef Week with three of the major studs joining forces to display cattle at the Whittlesea showgrounds.
The Limestone Coast group at the Mt Gambier, SA, showgrounds as part of day 8, is following its successful debut in 2010 with an even larger display in 2011 with 20 studs representing 19 breeds.
“With over 30 breeds on display, Beef Week is a great opportunity for cattle producers to discover how each breed can perform in different environments and meet the needs of various markets,” said Mr Phillips.
Details of the studs entered in Beef Week are available on www.beefweek.com.au.
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