Heat Stress Reduces Milk Yields

ISRAEL - Acute heat stress in dairy cows will reduce milk secretion by up-regulating the activity of the milk-borne negative feedback regulatory system, according to a study by the Israeli Agriculture Research Organisation.
calendar icon 5 July 2010
clock icon 1 minute read

The objective of this study was to determine if acute heat stress (HS) decreases milk secretion by activating the milk-borne negative feedback system, as an emergency physiological response to prevent a life-threatening situation.

To induce HS, summer acclimatised dairy cows were exposed to full sun under mid-summer Mediterranean conditions, with and without conventional cooling procedures.

Exposure to HS induced a rapid and acute (within 24 h) reduction in milk yield in proportion to the heat load. This decrease was moderated by cooler night-time ambient temperature. The reduction in milk yield was associated with corresponding responses in plasminogen activator/plasminogen-plasmin activities, and with increased activity (concentration) of the (1–28) N-terminal fragment peptide that is released by plasmin from β-casein (β-CN (1–28)).

These metabolites constitute the regulatory negative feedback system. Previously, it has been shown that β-CN (1–28) down-regulated milk secretion by blocking potassium channels on the apical aspects of the mammary epithelial cells.

The study demonstrated that the potassium channels in mammary tissue became more susceptible to β-CN (1–28) activity under HS. Thus, the present study highlighted two previously unreported features of this regulatory system: (i) that it modulates rapidly in response to stressor impact variations; and (ii) that the regulations of the mammary epithelial potassium channel sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of β-CN (1–28) is part of the regulatory system.

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