Additive for Health, Productivity and Environment
US - A new additive has been created which may have profound consequences on the dairy industry if its makers claims are to be proved correct.According to the NUVAC Sciences de la vie, put the product in the feed of dairy cows and milk production increases and the animals are healthier, reports Burlington Free Press. Put it in the manure pit and it breaks down the top crust, reduces the smell, liquefies the manure and improves its effectiveness as fertilizer.
NUVAC Sciences de la vie is a Canadian company represented in Vermont by the nonprofit Economic Development Council of Northern Vermont. It says it has developed natural bacterial products that can boost farm income and help the environment by reducing the phosphorus runoff from farms.
Burlington Free Press reported that Gauthier and Bill Zuccareno of the development council supported the company's claims with pages of data detailing increases in butterfat, protein and volume for dairy cows using BoviPlex, a feed additive, and they had additional data showing that MaxiCharge, applied to manure pits, speeds the "aerobic digestion" of manure solids, eating it like "Pacman," as Gauthier put it.
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