Cattle Return to Argentine Market After Strike

ARGENTINA - Cattle entered Argentina's main livestock market after a two-week absence on Thursday, as ranchers ended a strike that had left butchers' counters bare in a country where steak is a staple, traders said.
calendar icon 4 April 2008
clock icon 1 minute read
Beef supplies in supermarkets and butchers will start returning to normal at the weekend, Alberto Williams, vice president of the Butchers' Association, was quoted as telling daily newspaper Clarin.

At Buenos Aires Liniers market, more animals than normal were on sale on Thursday -- normally a slow day. Far more business was expected on Friday.

"Today, animals started to enter the market again and buyers were very keen after the shortages caused by the strike," one cattle broker said.

The market also will open on Saturday to help shops restock meat counters, market president Roberto Arancedo told local radio.

Source: Guardian

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