Cattle Waste-Biogas Project Wins ‘Best Green Power Plant’
MUMBAI - In order to reduce the dairy complex’s greenhouse gas emissions and to prevent the improper disposal of the animal wastes, the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) had installed and commissioned this demonstration power generation facility in 2004in 2004.
Award for reduced waste-biogas
A demonstration cattle waste-biogas cogeneration project in Punjab, India, powered by GE Energy Jenbacher gas engine, has been chosen as the ‘Best green power plant’ in Asia at the 2007 Asian Power Awards. In order to reduce the dairy complex’s greenhouse gas emissions and to prevent the improper disposal of the animal wastes, the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) had installed and commissioned this demonstration power generation facility in 2004in 2004.
Speaking on the above, Kishore Jayaraman, GE Energy’s Region Executive for India, said “We appreciate the support given to us by the Punjab Energy Development Agency’s and we are honored to receive this important recognition. This initiative is in line with GE’s innovative ecomagination initiative in India -- designed to bring to market new technologies that help address the most pressing environmental challenges such as the need for cleaner, more efficient sources of energy and reduced emissions.”
Since late 2004, GE Energy's 1-MW Jenbacher biogas cogeneration system has supported the model cattle waste-to-energy conversion plant at the Haebowal dairy complex in the city of Ludhiana, in Punjab. The complex serves 1,490 dairy operations that own 150,000 head of cattle, generating a total of 2,500 tons of waste daily. GE's Jenbacher demonstration plant uses the biogas with high methane content to generate electricity and thermal power (hot water).
Surplus energy remaining after meeting the plant auxiliary requirements from the engine is sold to the local grid of Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB), while water heated by the engine is used to assist the digester fermentation process. In addition to the plant’s energy and thermal output, remnants of the digester process are used as fertilizer by local farmers.