Research Supports Grass-Fed Beef Indeed Healthier
US - Consumer interest is increasing in grass-fed beef and other meats. Correspondingly, producers are also interested in supplying this growing demand. However, they need to be ready to answer the public’s questions with regard to meat quality and perceived differences between grass-fed and conventionally raised beef.According to a team of experts at California State University at Chico (part of this year’s National Grass-Fed Beef Conference in Pennsylvania), reports spanning three decades suggest that forage-only diets can alter the lipid composition of meat, specifically, lower concentrations of saturated fatty acids and raise concentrations of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, studies report grass-fed beef contains elevated concentrations of beta-carotene and alpha tocopherol, as well as higher concentrations omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) n all substances reported to be favorable for human health.
Further, research to date supports the argument that grass-fed beef is higher in vitamins A and E. When fed to the same degree of fat, grass-fed beef is higher in favorable lipids than conventionally produced beef.
Dietary experts have long been promoting reduced fat intake (particularly saturated fatty acids) in the American diet. Saturated fatty acids are linked with increased serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations and increased risk of coronary heart disease. As a result, many consumers have reduced their consumption of red meat.
Source: Agriview