Synergy Between Livestock Producers and Ethanol Plants Needed
US - Corn producers are setting the bar by planting the largest corn crop n 92.9 million acres n since 1944, but it’s not all going to be used for feed.Corn and fat sources previously used as feed are and for other uses is “more valuable” as a fuel source. These are new issues facing livestock producers across the United States.
On a global level, the energy per capita is increasing along with household incomes resulting in the use of grains for fuel and not for human consumption. As people improve their standard of living, and use grain for fuel they will begin to demand more meat in their diets n good for livestock producers.
“We would expect their demand for animal products to increase,” he said. “We’re going to see a competition we haven’t seen in the past.”
Oil discoveries and production are also affecting the increase use of corn for ethanol. The number of new oil discoveries, estimated by Exxon Mobile, decreases dramatically over the next 40 years n ultimately decreasing total petroleum production.
“We’re going to raise petroleum prices,” he said about petroleum’s future decline.
Conversion of corn to ethanol will help meet some of the worlds energy needs, he said.
“Right now we have about a 5 billion maybe close to 6 billion capacity,” he said of ethanol currently produced in the United States. “We’ve got another 6 billion gallons where the concrete is poured and the sites have been selected.”
Seeking permits are another 3-4 billion gallons for around 15 billion total gallons produced in the United States if all of the planned plants come online.
By the end of this year, the U.S. should meet and surpass the 7.5 by 2012 Renewable Fuels Act.
“My expectation is that we will double that by 2012,” he said.
Some people believe that global warming is pushing the ethanol industry because of the carbon dioxide that is recycled in the ethanol process.
“There are people that would debate how advantageous this is,” he said. “But compared to traditional petroleum based fuels, this is more beneficial.”
Source: Agriview