Should Bulls Should Pass Breeding Soundness Exam Before Turnout?
US - The wet conditions have the row-crop farmers excited in my area. I am excited because the grass in the pasture is great and it looks like an excellent grazing season.If producers are going to utilize the feedstuffs to their full potential, they must be sure to prepare their bulls for the breeding season. Reproduction has the greatest influence on the profitability of a beef herd.
All the bulls should pass a breeding soundness exam (BSE) before turnout. The winter here was cold and windy. Early this spring we saw some frost damage on a few bulls which were exposed to snow and windy conditions with no dry place to bed down.
After a temperature shock, either cold weather or a fever from illness, the bull needs at least 30 days to recover to normal semen levels. We also experienced problems with some young bulls which were tested before bull sales. These bulls had normal counts and concentration and appeared to be maturing naturally to participate in the breeding season.
Some of these young bulls contracted an infection which caused the testicles to shrink in size resulting in no sperm produced and therefore inability to pass a second BSE. We recommend testing yearling bulls shortly before turnout to insure they are producing adequate amounts of quality semen.
Source: Tri State Neighbor