Nebraska Cattlemen Applaud Proposed CAFO Rule Extension
US - The Nebraska Cattlemens Association is applauding the Environmental Protection Agency for proposing to extend the July 31 deadline by which newly defined concentrated animal feeding operations are to seek a national Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. Similarly, the deadline would be extended for CAFOs which already have a NPDES permit to develop and implement nutrient management plans.Nebraska Cattlemen has also thanked Rep. Adrian Smith for his support in requesting that EPA propose the extensions to February 27, 2009, which are needed because EPA has not finalized court ordered revisions to 2003 CAFO NPDES and Effluent Limitations Guideline regulations.
NC President Jay Wolf said while livestock operators want to comply with environmental regulations, it is not reasonable to expect them to spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to comply with state and federal rules that may be changing, and then spend even more to comply with the new regulations. However, he added, cattle producers have an obligation to find out if they are in compliance with existing regulations.
Duane Gangwish, Nebraska Cattlemen VP for Environmental Affairs, agrees and added that this extension does not apply to everyone and that it is important to know the details and to be informed. Cattle producers with questions about the regulations can contact Duane at 402-475-2333.
Copies of the Federal Register Notice containing the proposed rule are available on EPA’s website at
The Nebraska Cattlemen association serves as the representative for the state’s beef cattle industry and represents professional cattle breeders, ranchers and feeders, as well as 46 county and local cattlemen’s associations. Its headquarters are in Lincoln and a second office in Alliance serves cattlemen in western Nebraska. This and other Nebraska Cattlemen information is available at
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