Madison, WDATCP Fed-State Farm Market News Daily Summary for Jan. 2, 2007:
US - Based on negotiated prices and volume of boxed beef cuts delivered within 0-21 days and on average industry cutting yields. Values reflect U.S. dollars per 100 pounds. Boxed beef cutout values generally steady on moderate demand and offerings. Select and Choice chuck, round and loin cuts generally steady. Select rib cuts steady, while Choice weak. Beef trimmings generally steady on moderate demand and offerings.Carcass price equivalent index value: Choice 2-3 600-900 lb., $135.51 cwt up $1.08, Select 1-3 600-900 lb., $119.93 cwt up $1.20.
Hide and offal from a typical slaughter steer was estimated at $9.26. Fresh boneless processing beef 90% lean, $ 128.00-128.50 cwt. Central U.S. Cutter cow carcass cutout value $105.12 cwt up $1.19 East Coast Carlot Veal, (from north central suppliers) hot carcass basis: Choice and Prime Special Fed (hide-off), range of $260.00-287.50 Cwt.
WISCONSIN SLAUGHTER CATTLE SUMMARY: At Wisc. Livestock Auctions as of 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Vealers were steady. 90-110 lbs $10.00 - 30.00; 70- 90 lbs $10.00 - 30.00. Replacement Holstein Bull Calves were weak to $5.00 lower, 100-120 lbs. $100.00-130.00 few at $140.00. Replacement Holstein Heifer Calves were steady to firm in a light test, 90-120 Lbs. $500.00-600.00. Slaughter Cows were steady to firm, Cows Percent Lean Weight Bulk Breakers 75-80 percent over 1250 lbs $45.00-49.00 Boning 80-85 percent over 1100 lbs $42.00-46.00 Lean 85-90 percent over 1000 lbs $39.50-43.50 Low dressing lean $35.00-39.50 The following 3 classes of cattle were on an over-night stand Holstein Slaughter Steers:
Source: Wbay