Smuggling creating shortage of milk, meat animals

PAKISTAN - Unabated smuggling of dairy animals from Pakistan to Central Asian States via Afghanistan through Quetta and Torkham borders is creating acute shortage of milk as well as meat animals in the domestic market.
calendar icon 29 September 2006
clock icon 1 minute read

The milk and meat prices have increased several fold in the backdrop of booming illegal trade of dairy animals including buffaloes, bulls and cows from Pakistan to Afghanistan and Central Asian States.

Mostly Afghan refugees are involved in cross-border animal trade that has been running for the last four years.

The local dairy traders are faced with short supply of cattle to keep monthly replacement circle running smoothly at their farms.

It may be noted that in order to maintain milk production level a dairy farmer holding 100 heads needs replacement of nine animals every month.

Only in Landhi Cattle Colony some 0.51 million buffaloes are needed for replacement every month. The prices of buffaloes and other milk animals have recorded an unprecedented surge in the last couple of years.


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