Expert Insights

Ivan Leyva-Baca, DVM, PhD
Animal Health Product Applications at Thermo Fisher Scientific
How did a Mexican beef producer increase his herd’s calving rate by 23%?

Calvin Gunter
Senior Manager, Product Management Thermo Fisher Scientific
Why is USDA licensing of diagnostic kits important and who regulates it?

Laurent Delooz
Regional Association for Animal Health and Identification (ARSIA), Belgium.

Calvin Gunter
Senior Manager, Product Management Thermo Fisher Scientific
What is MagMAX CORE and how does it impact producers?
How does MagMAX CORE perform in the laboratory?
What unique benefits does MagMAX CORE offer laboratories?

Laurent Delooz
Regional Association for Animal Health and Identification (ARSIA), Belgium.
What causes ruminant abortion?

Ivan Leyva-Baca, DVM, PhD
Animal Health Product Applications at Thermo Fisher Scientific
What are the risk factors for Tritrichomonas foetus?
What are the recommended control measures to manage Tritrichomonas foetus?

Ivan Leyva-Baca, DVM, PhD
Animal Health Product Applications at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Ivan Leyva-Baca, DVM, PhD
Animal Health Product Applications at Thermo Fisher Scientific
What is Tritrichomonas foetus (Trich)?
What is the typical prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus in the US?

Esther Collantes-Fernández, DVM, PhD, Dip EVPC, SALUVET Group
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Is bovine trichomonosis a problem in Spanish beef herds?

Javier Alberto Medellin
Producer, Chihuahua, Mexico
What was your experience with trichomonasis (trich)?
What effect did trich have on the productivity of your herd?

Christina Boss
Sr. Product Manager Dairy Solutions, Thermo Fisher Scientific
How has Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) been monitored in Saxony, Germany?

Ivan Leyva-Baca, DVM, PhD
Animal Health Product Applications at Thermo Fisher Scientific
What can you tell me about the prevalence of bovine trichomoniasis (trich) in Mexico?

Johnny Callahan, PhD.
Senior Consultant, Thermo Fisher Scientific
What are the advantages and limitations of these laboratory methods?

Bill Barton, DVM
Administrator/State Veterinarian in the Division of Animal Industries
Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Simone Silviera
Ph.D. Student, Virology Laboratory, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Brazil
What is Hobi-like pestivirus? Where is it present currently?
Why should Hobi-like pestivirus be important to U.S. veterinarians and beef/dairy producers?
What are the risk factors for entry of this virus into the U.S.?