On 7th June 2013, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health held the 6th edition of its International Expert Forum on Farm Animal Well-Being in Bilbao. Over the years, this Forum has become a recognised discussion platform which facilitates communication and transfer of knowledge between veterinarians and animal scientists.
About 90 veterinary practitioners and industry experts on animal health, pain and behaviour from around the world attended the conference. The diversity of backgrounds encouraged a multidisciplinary exchange of ideas. The diversity of participants and the conference format allowed for lively discussions and exchanges in a casual atmosphere.

Can the well-being of an animal be measured objectively?
Professor Frauke Ohl
Department "Animals in Science & Society", University Utrecht, The Netherlands

Is farm animal welfare a commodity?
Emma Roe
University of Southampton, UK

Should veterinary surgeons promote higher welfare food to consumers?
Sean Wensley, DVM
People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, UK

Farm animal welfare: What's behind labels?
Dr David C. J. Main
Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, UK

Implementation of the Global Animal Partnership 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Standards Program
Miyun Park
Global Animal Partnership, Washington DC, USA

On-farm welfare audits.....an opportunity for the veterinary profession?
Francesco Testa, DVM
Bergamo, Italy