Study shows that supplementation with natural yeast-based additive reduces respiratory disorders in feedlot cattle
Research indicates that ICC Brazil’s RumenYeast adds nutritional value and improves the health of ruminants.The current production system for feedlot cattle has enabled several benefits, such as reducing the age of slaughter and better yield and quality of meat. However, when management, nutrition and health aren't adequately addressed, intensive systems can negatively impact performance and immunity - allowing diseases to emerge.
Up to 56 percent of these illnesses are respiratory diseases, making them common among feedlot animals. This generates annual economic losses resulting from decreased feed efficiency, as well as increased production costs due to waning livestock health, poor carcass quality and even mortalities.
To minimise respiratory diseases, the use of natural food additives such as yeast has been studied, as it may help the rumen microbiota, strengthening the immune system and reducing the contamination of pathogens. ICC Brazil, a pioneer in the production of innovative solutions for animal health and nutrition with yeast-based additives, has developed RumenYeast. It consists of fermentation metabolites to provide the ideal nutrition for ruminal microbiota, in addition to improving intestinal health and strengthening the immune system. It acts by maintaining the pH and stimulating cellulolytic bacteria, thus enhancing rumen conditions.
A study carried out at Confinamento do Núcleo de Produção Animal (NUPRAN), at UNICENTRO, in Guarapuava (State of Paraná, Brazil), done by Professor Dr Mikael Neumann and Professor Dra Heloísa Bertagnon team’s evaluated the effect of RumenYeast on pulmonary disorders in beef calves.
It was observed that a higher number of feedlot animals in the control treatment presented nasal discharge and a higher orbital temperature compared to groups with diets supplemented with RumenYeast.
“Blood tests were performed to verify whether this increase in the respiratory disease was due to decreased animal defense mechanisms. They showed that animals that received RumenYeast in the diet had blood cells (neutrophils) with a greater capacity to eliminate disease-causing agents. Also, on the day of slaughter, the lungs of the animals were examined. It was found that animals that had received RumenYeast in their diets showed less nasal secretion, and developed less pneumonia compared to those that had not,” says Liliana Borges, R&D analyst at ICC Brazil.
Research shows that a RumenYeast supplement in the diet improved the health of the animals evaluated, which may result in higher productivity, lower costs of antibiotics for treating sick animals as well as lower bacterial resistance from incomplete treatments, and less disease transmission among animals in the feedlot.