Acquisition of Elivia by Terrena and Dawn Meats Cleared

EU - The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of joint control over Elivia of France by QDB Holdings/Dawn Meats of Ireland and Terrena of France.
calendar icon 3 July 2015
clock icon 1 minute read

Elivia is active throughout the beef value chain; from the slaughtering of live animals to the sale of fresh and processed meat, primarily in France.

Dawn Meats mainly operates in the beef and lamb sectors, in the slaughtering of live animals as well as deboning and further processing of meat.

Terrena is active in the production and distribution of various agricultural products, such as plants, animals and agricultural machinery.

The Commission concluded that the proposed transaction would raise no competition concerns as the companies’ combined market shares remain modest and the market share increments brought by the transaction would be limited.

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