New Software Simplifies Herd Management With Robots

UK - Herd management decision making could soon be a lot easier, according to a dairy equipment manufacturer which has devised a programme displaying herd management data data together on one screen.
calendar icon 17 September 2014
clock icon 2 minute read

Simple data is the outcome of collating key performance indicators and displaying them in a simple format, say designers at Fullwood. 

New data programme MerlinView pulls together information on cow milking data, milk components, overall herd performance, bulk tank capacity and cleaning parameters.

For Shropshire farmer Rod MacBean it is like having another pair of eyes around the farm.

“It provides a live report on exactly what each robot is doing and gives an instantaneous update on each individual animal’s current and recent production.

“Being able to view all the key performance parameters via one page makes it quicker and easier for me to fine tune how the herd is milked and managed.

"MerlinView has already helped me to improve the herd’s productivity by highlighting which cows aren’t being milked often enough and which are spending too long away from the robot.

"I can then take remedial action to ensure the herd is working as efficiently as possible. It is the perfect tool for improving the micro-management of my herd for optimum productivity.”

Les Strickland, UK Sales Manager for Fullwood Limited said: “Our existing Crystal herd management software gives dairy farmers access to a huge amount of detailed information.

“That data helps farmers to make better, more-informed herd management decisions, but feedback from users of our automated milking system, Merlin, made it clear that farmers wanted to access certain key pieces of information from one dashboard."

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