National Milk Output Only Half of National Demand
VENEZUELA - The Federated Farmers and Ranchers of the Bolivar region have expressed concern to the government that national milk output is 6 million litres short of national consumption every day. Balsamino Belandria, president of the Bolivarian Federation of Ranchers and Farmers (Fegaven) reported that the national deficit is 6 million liters per day.
Producers have spoken out, reminding the government that both milk and meat are items significant to the country's agriculture.
However, it is expected that the trend in imports will be reversed in the following seven years and domestic products will be enough to meet the needs in the market.
Mr Belandria explained that, for four years, the Federation of Ranchers and Farmers Fegaven has had a financing program for small holdings that has benefited more than 3000 farmers. The Federation President said that, with the support received, small farmers have managed to double production. The scheme to increase milk production is part of the incorporation of new breeds to the national herd.
"We are importing breeds traditionally used in meat production. We are bringing them here in order to create a new breed stock are aiming for 600,000 heifers", Mr Belandria said on national televsision.
"One advantage of these beef breeds is that they can produce calves annually, while the predominanating currently in the country do it every year and a half."
Mr Belandria added that the objective of the plan is to take the daily production of milk per cow from 4 liters to 7 liters, and thereby gradually reducing the deficit. The calculations for 2013 are that the deficit will be reduced by 7 per cent.