Spanish Beef Producers Focus on Exports
SPAIN - "Exports as the Strategy for 2012": this was the title of the recent Asoprovac (The National Beef Cattle Finishers´ Association) seminar in Toledo, attended by over 300 feedlot operators and traders from all over Spain, according to Cecilia Ruiz, the Madrid Office Manager of Bord Bia Irish Food Board.This is a new development as Spain has traditionally been a net livestock importer.
Last year was a relatively good year for both cattle finishers and the beef industry.
Cattle prices were strong and cereal prices stabilised. In addition, the is not focusing as strongly on the domestic market - with a per capita consumption of 7kg and demanding specs - they are expectantly looking towards new export outlets both for beef and live cattle.
The EU - 27 has become a net beef exporter and Spain is following the same path for the first time. Cattle supplies were almost two per cent higher up to the end of September while an 11 per cent increase in live cattle imports was more than matched by a rise of 19 per cent in live exports (or 38 per cent in the case of >300kg animals). Despite a drop of nine per cent in beef imports, total beef exports were 10 per cent higher in the first nine months of 2011 at 84,000 tonnes.
In this different context, Irish beef exports to Spain have behaved remarkably well with an estimated exports of over 16,000 tonnes cwe in 2011, leaving Ireland as the third main supplier of beef to Spain.
Bord Bia continues to concentrate its efforts in consolidating Irish beef's presence in the Spanish multiple retail scene and in positioning it as premium offering.
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