Teagasc/Glanbia Joint Dairy Programme Launched

IRELAND - Glanbia and Teagasc have launched a new three year joint dairy programme to position Glanbia milk suppliers to take advantage of growth opportunities that will arise following the abolition of milk quotas in 2015.
calendar icon 28 July 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

A team of 28 dedicated Teagasc Dairy Advisers will deliver this joint programme through a network of discussion groups, and through knowledge transfer events like farm walks, seminars, and workshops.

There are currently over 1,700 Glanbia suppliers participating in 114 discussion groups across 12 counties.

Ten new Monitor Farmers are being established to demonstrate best practice and to improve technology adoption on farms. These will include both spring calving and winter/liquid milk herds.

The new programme is focussed on preparing milk producers for post 2015 and will be branded as ‘P415: Preparing for 2015’. Its main objectives are to:-

  • Increase grass utilisation
  • Increase milk solids production per cow and per hectare
  • Improve herd fertility and calving pattern
  • Improve cost control

Speaking at the launch of the new programme, Jim Bergin, Chief Executive of Glanbia’s Dairy Ingredients Ireland division said: ”The countdown to the removal of EU milk quotas is well advanced and an increase in milk production on Irish farms is anticipated."

"Coping with expansion will be challenging and our suppliers will require the knowledge and support, which this joint programme with Teagasc can deliver, to make the necessary decisions regarding their futures”.

Teagasc Director, Professor Gerry Boyle said: “Productivity improvements can be achieved on farms, and in this joint programme there new and innovative ways of encouraging the uptake of the available technologies on farms to achieve higher levels of production."

"New elements include workshops for non-discussion group members, courses and workshops on expansion and industry training. This programme is geared towards improving profit on farms, through increasing grass utilisation, breeding the right cow to produce more milk solids, calve on time and last longer in the herd and through tighter cost control.”

The joint programme will be reviewed annually to ensure the performance targets set are achieved.

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