State Orders TB Tests for California, New Mexico

US – The North Dakota State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) has tightened restrictions on imports of California and New Mexico livestock in response to confirmed cases of bovine tuberculosis in those states.
calendar icon 14 July 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

“The identification of additional herds infected with TB in California and New Mexico means both states will probably soon see their TB-accredited free status downgraded,” said Dr. Susan Keller. “The Board of Animal Health has ordered additional tuberculosis testing for livestock entering North Dakota from those states to protect our livestock and our TB-free status.”

Meeting by conference call, the BOAH ordered that all beef cattle, bison and goats, six months or older, except castrated males and spayed females, must test negative for tuberculosis within 60 days prior to entering North Dakota from California or New Mexico.

Animals that originate from accredited tuberculosis-free herds need not be individually tested but must be individually identified on a health certificate and have an entry permit prior to entry into North Dakota.

No TB test or herd origin requirement is required for steers and spayed females, but the animals must meet the identification and entry permit requirements. The state veterinarian can approve exceptions to the order, which takes effect Monday.

Keller said California has tested 129,000 animals, but approximately 420 exposed herds are yet to be tested. Investigations, identification of traces and testing will continue throughout the rest of the year. New Mexico has identified two infected herds in their currently designated ‘TB Free’ zone and has acknowledged that their status likely will be downgraded.

Further Reading

- Find out more information on bovine tuberculosis by clicking here.

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