January Beef Management Tips
Beef management tips for November, by Dr. Scott P. Greiner, Extension Animal Scientist, Beef, Virginia Tech.
Beef Management Tips |
Spring Calving Herds
- Inventory and organize calving supplies
- Keep late pregnant cows gaining 1.0 lbs per day
- Pregnant heifers and 3 yr olds should gain 2.0-2.5 lbs per day
- Provide high quality minerals
- Review calving assistance procedures
- Stockpile a few gallons of colostrum
- Assess bull battery for spring breeding, make plans for acquiring new bulls
- Order semen for AI
- Soil test pastures not tested in last 3 yrs
- Order clover seed for frost seeding later this winter
Fall Calving Herds
- Begin/continue breeding
- Check cow and bull condition
- Supplement energy to young bulls during breeding season
- Send in forage test if not done earlier this year
- Continue to check calves closely for health problems
- Re-implant September and early October born calves that were implanted at birth
- Soil test pastures not tested in last 3 yrs
- Order clover seed for frost seeding later this winter
January 2009